Because I've written several diaries about Canine Nose Work (and because I've spent the last week editing and uploading video clips), this diary will be mostly photos and videos. To learn more about the sport, check out the website, or the related site,
If you've missed and would like to read some of my diaries about the sport, here are some selections:
The Nose Knows was my first diary about Nose Work, and includes a video of Sasha working odor for the first time.
Classes Start February 28 was about anticipating starting to teach dogs and handlers again.
Night One, Intro to Nose Work, Night Two, Intro to Nose Work, Night Three: Intro to Nose Work Were each about one night of the first classes I taught.
A Game for you and your dog challenged readers to try nose work with their pets, and (if I say so myself) gives pretty good directions for getting started
Sasha Passes 2 ORTs is about the Odor Recognition Test, a Nose Work requirement before a dog can go to a trials
Sheddhead, ANWI is about how I became an Associate Nose Work Instructor, on my way to being Certified (and not just certifiable.)