I was lucky enough to spend nearly this entire weekend in the company of my rescue German Shepherd, Sasha. This was our schedule:
7 am - hit road
8 am - check in for 2 APDT (Association of Professional Dog Trainer) Rally Obedience Trials
9 am - with Sasha waiting in the shade covered car, walk through the first ring
9:30 am - miss the sign (SIT, WALK AROUND DOG) that caused our NQ (Not Qualified
10:30 am - with sasha waiting in the shade covered car, walk through the second ring
11 am - successfully complete the entire course
11:15 am - watch the teams who qualified in the first trial (not us) get ribbons, and clap like good sports
12:15 pm - receive our ribbons for the second trial.
1:15 pm - arrive home & share our success with the BF, then hit the road
2:15 pm - Agility class
04 pm - home, and crashSunday - pretty close to the same, except we qualified in each trial, and we went to an Obedience class instead of an Agility class.
More over the jump.